
Thursday 31 March 2016

Word Cline Challenge-Small

Today I did the Word Cline Challenge and i picked the word "Small".I made small into powerful words.

Word Cline Challenge-Angry

So today I did one of the can do's and I had to use a simple word and make that word more powerful.

Spelling 2016

Today we did our spelling.And what we did was played different games.This game is about they say a word and you have to try and spell that word.Its really interesting because it's good for reading or writing.


So LS2 has been doing science and what we have been doing is OOBLECK and we tried it and it made a chemical reaction.And what we had to do in our groups was to write step by step into what to do.

Tech 2016

Today  Tamaki College and we did 3D printing,we had to do our design on this kind of doe put it was cool because we get to do our designs and cut them out.My one is a bow for my   friend Ana because she likes bows.And also we used tinkercad and what i did is my name and a 3D bow.LS2 had an awesome time with Miss Ferguson (3D printing teacher).

Dialogue Challenge

So today Courtney,Nesi and I had to do a dialogue challenge.What we did was we had to use this website.So Miss Anderson gave us some  stores and we had to come up with five sentences to end it.

Aretha Franklin's Song "RESPECT"


Today I did my care awards and I had to find out why Aretha Franklin wrote the song "RESPECT" on top is a picture of her and the quote for the song "RESPECT".I learned interesting stuff about Aretha Franklin and her songs.

PBS Flag Vote


Today LS2 had to pick between the Current flag or The New flag.The juniors wanted the new flag because the juniors don't know the meaning of the current flag and they like the new flag because it has more detail on it,but for the seniors know more.And it will be sad because if the people pick the new flag then the soldiers family will be sad.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Grand Palace Of Bangkok

For our Home Learning we used the 5W's and try and find what the Grand Palace of Bangkok.Mere and I learned interesting things about the Grand Palace Of Bangkok like (womens and mens have to wear a t-shirt that doesn't show your shoulders). Click here for our Prezi DLO

The Mosque Of Herat

For our home learning we have to look up the Mosque of Herat.Ana and I leaned a lot about The Mosque of Herat.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

3D Printing

Today we went to Tamaki College and what we did was 3D printers our teacher was Miss Frugson I learnt alot of things like how to shade light to dark in a 3D square

Should NZ Change The Flag?

LI:To make an informed choice 
(a choice based on information) 

Today LS2 had to chose what flag to represent New Zealand. So we went into our thinking groups we had to find some ideas to help  our thinking,all the groups had to do a "T" chart,one side had YES CHANGE and the other side had NO CHANGE.We all to listen to others and respect other's opinion.LS2 had to make a decision if we wanted the new flag or the old flag. 

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Mona Lisa Painting

It was an a exciting moment for me because my family went to go see the Mona Lisa painting and even my nana and papa went and they are enjoying the time there.

Monday 14 March 2016

Word Cline Challenge-COLD


Today I learned to used simple words and I put those words into interesting words.  

Word Cline Challenge-SHY


Today I had to do some five interesting words I picked SHY. I used SHY because so I can make my words more powerful.

Word Cline Challenge-BIG


Today we had to do five interesting word with Miss Anderson.I chose BIG, I put some interesting words to make my words more powerful.

Word Cline Challenge-Happy


Today, our learning was to find five interesting words,and my word was happy. I put happy into interesting words.

Friday 11 March 2016

How to count up to 20 in Tongan

So what i did here was i taught Miss Donaldson how to speak in Tongan she did really well and now she knows how to count in Tongan now.

Personal Passion

I am talking about myself and what i like to do in my spear time and i love to introduce myself to you all. 

Thursday 10 March 2016

How to stand up from bullies


     Today what i learned was to keep myself is to stay away from bullies and be safe  


On the street, day time.Legs run along the pavement.They are Mark Renton's Just ahead of him is Spud.They are both belting along.As they travel,various objects,(pens,tapes,CD's,toiletries,ties,sunglasses and so on) either fall or are discarded from inside their jackets.They are pursued by two hard looking store detectives in identical uniforms.The men are fast,but Renton and Spud maintain their lead.Suddenly,as Renton crosses a road,a car skids to a halt,inches from him.In a moment a detachment Renton stops and looks at the shocker driver,then at Spud,who has continued running,then at the two men who are closing in.He smiles.

After he smiled they kept running until they stopped, they realize that they made a big loud noise that went "BANG" the neighbors heard it and then rang the cops.When they stop at a gas station they heard the cops coming the siren went on ,the helicopter was flying round and round in circles.Their plan was to get out of what they done,plan "B" was to fly away and go to Australia, But that didn't happen for them so Renton and Spud had only one idea,that idea was to go in to the police for one year.

This is what we have to do in writing with Miss Anderson,we had to continued the last part of the story. 

Wednesday 9 March 2016


Today we had to do OOBLECK it was so fantastic and exciting at the same time.

Flag Man

We learned to compare the Naval flag and the New Zealand.And also we needed to know what the coat of Auckland designs mean.

Tuesday 8 March 2016


Today Silivia and I had a challenge to see who knows their timestable and we each got 100%. 

Monday 7 March 2016

How To Survive An Aggressive Cow Attack

This is my DLO on how to survive a cow attack.
I was learning how to inference and evaluate the text.
This will be helpful incase you get attacked. 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Science 2016

Miss Kirkpatrick and the students and i made the OOBLECK, Baking Soda and vinegar it was very exciting and fantastic because there was lots and lots of facts that we learned and it was an awesome time working together as a group. 

Tech- 3D printing


Today Miss Ferguson and the some of the year 8 made their own Tinkercad account.For some of us it was the first time using tinkercad and it was an awesome 3D printing.

We had to use an egg shape and used shapes for its features. 

Home Learning- Mona Lisa Painting

Today Jane and myself had to use the 5W's and try and find what Mona Lisa is about some of her history was really interesting.  Click here for our Prezi DLO

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Leadership Qualities

So we started of by choosing our leader my leader was my uncle Charles Piutau I picked him because he feels like a leader to me and he is also a humble person. He also leads to a mighty warrior that you guys might know.

How to cook Terotero

 Today Victoria and I had to read the story called The Terotero we read an amazing story it was about how they make terotero and so our work was to do the recipe of how to cook terotero.And also the authors purpose of writing this story is how they cook it and eat it.