
Wednesday 16 November 2016

Hockey Sport.

Image result for hockey animatedImage result for hockey animation

Today, afternoon we had hockey for sports. What we learned is how to hold the hockey stick probably. We played a game that includes the traffic colours and other colours Green - is to dribble, Orange to stand there and go right to left, Red - Is to STOP!!!, Purple - is to reverse right to left and go backwards, Blue - Drippling around with the ball, Silver - Is to go fast. Always remember to look at where your going. Thank you for our coaches for teaching us some new skills. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cecilia

    Great blog post about the recent session of our Kiwi sport Hockey. It was really fun! Cecilia you need to make sure your date for your blog post is set to Thursday because I think we had the session on Thursday (but I don't really know). Great job describing the hockey session we had.
