
Sunday 10 July 2016

Eddie The Eagle - Winter Learning Journey

Today I had to watch a movie called 'Eddie The Eagle' And so this movie is about when a young kid tries all the Olympic sports. And so everytime he tries he fails but he kept trying but his parents believe that he would ever be a Olympic player. But Robert Downey Jr. comes in the movie because he plays has Hugh Jackman who use to play winter skiing. And so they work has a team when Eddie practises then he will always hurt himself and so he kept doing that he went to hospital and then he woke up. So he NEVER GAVE UP and kept practicing.


  1. Hello Cecillia
    I really liked that trailer about Eddie the Eagle. I honestly think that everyone in the world should know about him. He is the perfect role model. He never gives up - no matter what his friends or parents say to him. I really hope that one day everyone will be like him (Always trying their hardest and never giving up, even when nobody believes in you). Like you said, he hurt himself a few times. But did he give up? Nope. He kept on practicing and kept on believing. Keep up all of the great work you have done so far.

  2. Hi Cecillia and Daniel,

    You have both written stunning posts. They are so heart felt and honest. I am very impressed by your thoughtfulness and by the way that you have summarised the main messages embedded in the 'Eddie the Eagle' movie. Truly awesome.

    Cheers, Rachel :)
